India CPA Review Courses | Best India CPA Review Courses
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India CPA Review Courses
India CPA Review Courses are designed to help individuals prepare for the CPA exam and become a Certified Public Accountant. These courses offer structured study materials, practice questions, and exam simulations that mimic the format and difficulty level of the actual CPA exam. Many courses are available in the market, each with unique features and pricing.
These five popular courses (in alphabetical order) are easily 90%+ of the CPA Exam prep market.
The number of courses and options out there (and options within those options) can be quite overwhelming.
If you follow these three crucial guidelines, you stand a great chance of choosing the Best India CPA Review Course for you:
- Budget (What can you afford? Debt vs No Debt?)
- Learning Style (Powerpoint lectures? “Dry Erase Board” lectures? No lectures? Test Bank only?)
- The ‘5 AM Test’ (Can you stomach studying with this course at 5 am, or will you most likely hit snooze for the next 2 hours until you really have to get up?)
Getting this choice right is critical to your success as a CPA candidate and becoming a CPA.
It’s important to compare India CPA Review Courses and make the best choice for you.
Becker CPA Review
Becker CPA Review is the most-expensive course, most-popular course, and the most-searched company because they are the biggest name in CPA Exam prep.
The four Becker CPA courses are Concierge ($5,999), Pro ($3,799), Premium ($3,099), and Advantage ($2,499), but Becker CPA discounts its courses regularly, however, so be on the lookout for sales and promos.
Becker has a popular cram course called the Becker Final Review.
Investopedia rated Becker CPA Review “Best Overall Course” in 2023.
NINJA CPA Review is the cheapest full India CPA Review Course and the most-popular CPA Study Supplement with its NINJA Notes, Test Bank, and Audio.
NINJA CPA Review has increased its course offerings to include Lectures, CPA Tutoring, Review Books, Flashcards, Cram Lectures, and a large Test Bank with 7,100 questions and 300 simulations, making it a complete AICPA-licensed CPA Review course. With 300+ hours of training between its Course and Cram lectures, NINJA has the largest on-demand video library in CPA Review.
NINJA stands out as the only USA-Based CPA Review Coursed with an Indian Lead Instructor.
NINJA Mike is the lead instructor for both American and Indian CPA Candidates.
All other USA-based CPA Review Courses outsource their course to a local Indian affiliate.
You can watch one of their lecture videos below:
As the top CPA study supplement, NINJA has study plans for Becker, Wiley, Surgent, and UWorld Roger students:
Investopedia rated NINJA CPA Review “Best Price” in 2023.
UWorld Roger CPA Review
Roger CPA Review was founded by Roger Philipp, CPA, in the early 2000s.
Roger’s course was acquired by UWorld in 2019 and became UWorld Roger CPA Review.
The merger combined two company strengths (Roger Philipp’s dynamic lectures and UWorld’s technology platform), making an already popular India CPA Review Course even better.
The UWorld Roger CPA Review Elite Course is the second-most expensive India CPA Review Course ($3,799)
Investopedia rated UWorld Roger CPA Review “Runner-Up, Best Overall” in 2023.
It was announced in July 2023 that Peter Olinto, formerly of Becker, would be joining UWorld as a lead instructor.
Surgent CPA Review
Surgent CPA Review as a company is relatively new to the CPA Exam space, but it’s actually run by CPA Review industry veterans like Liz Kolar with decades of experience. Most companies have a book/lecture + test bank approach, whereas Surgent’s foundation was their test bank and adaptive learning first, and then added videos and other features later. Primarily known for its Continuing Professional Education (CPE), Surgent has also become an emerging force in the CMA, Enrolled Agent, CIA, and CISA Prep space.
Surgent’s strength is easily their Adaptive Learning software. Most companies these days claim to have “adaptive” test banks, but Surgent was the company that brought adaptive learning to the dance.
While the Ultimate Pass is Surgent’s flagship program, the sneaky value with Surgent is the Essentials Pass, which is a strong consideration if you want to go the “MCQ Only” approach to studying.
Investopedia rated Surgent CPA Review “Best Artificial Intelligence” in 2023.
Wiley CPA Review
Wiley CPA Review, like Becker, has been around forever and is considered one of the top-rated India CPA Review Courses.
In the early 2000s, Wiley CPA became known for the “Wiley Book” and the Wiley CPA Test Bank, which several India CPA Review Courses used to teach in their course videos.
Wiley purchased CPAexcel out of Arizona in 2012 and become “Wiley CPAexcel” and a true all-in-one CPA Review course.
Wiley CPAexcel’s main course is the Platinum CPA Review, which is usually discounted to $1,799.
Wiley CPA Review was purchased by UWorld in 2023, and all Wiley courses will merge with UWorld courses, according to the Wiley website – likely sometime in late 2023 or early 2024.
CPA Review Discounts
Becker CPA Discount
July 2023 Becker CPA Discount: $1,330 (35%) off Becker Pro with Promo Code CPA723.
NINJA CPA Discount
There is no NINJA CPA Discount. NINJA Subscription is always $67 and can be started and stopped as needed.
Roger CPA Discount
July 2023 UWorld Roger CPA Discount: $1,800 (49%) off Roger CPA Elite with Promo Code ELITE1899.
Surgent CPA Discount
July 2023 Surgent CPA Discount: 20% off all Surgent Courses with Promo Code USACPA23.
Wiley CPA Discount
July 2023 Wiley CPA Discount: $1,200 (40%) off Wiley Platinum.

India CPA Review Course FAQ
What is the Best CPA Review course?
Which India CPA Review Course is the best? The one you’ll actually study with.
This seems like kind of a silly and obvious answer, but nevertheless, it’s true and relevant.
Here’s Why: The CPA Exam is as much of a test of your work ethic and discipline as much as it is your ability to grasp the concepts.
The CPA Exam concepts, for the most part, are not overly difficult. Anyone will an accounting degree can pass the CPA Exam given that they work hard and invest the time.
You will get sick of studying for the CPA Exam. That is guaranteed.
If you are sick of the CPA Exam and your India CPA Review Course (the instructor(s) annoy you, etc.), then that is a problem because it’s one more reason to hit “snooze” at 5 am instead of getting up to study.
Your India CPA Review Course won’t cause you to fail (assuming you pick a good one – like any of the ones listed on this page, and perhaps others that are not), but it might cause you to not want to study.
Whether you’re studying for the California CPA Exam, the Illinois CPA Exam, or the New York CPA Exam, it doesn’t matter – they are the same CPA Exam because it’s a uniform exam and all review courses teach to the same exam.
Whether it’s Becker, Surgent, Wiley, UWorld, or NINJA, choose the best India CPA Review Course that you can 1. afford 2. “like” (or tolerate) studying with.
Are India CPA Review Courses worth it?
Yes. You must use an India CPA Review Course because they are geared toward one thing: helping you pass the CPA Exam. Studying with accounting textbooks or other materials is a waste of valuable time.
While the self-study route (cheap book found online or the library) must be appealing, the money you save in not purchasing an India CPA Review Course will likely cause you to spend more money down the road in exam fees.
At a minimum, you need a course like NINJA ($67 monthly) or Surgent Essentials ($997 before discounts).
Which India CPA Review Course has the best pass rate?
The AICPA claims that the CPA Exam pass rate is 45-65%, depending on the section. Statistically, the India CPA Review Course pass rates likely follow the same pattern.
We believe that an India CPA Review Course simply cannot know its pass rate for two important reasons:
- Someone who passed is more likely to self-report than someone who failed, which greatly skews the data.
- No CPA candidate uses only one study resource. Study resources range from full courses (Becker, etc.) to supplements (NINJA, etc.) to message boards and online help (Facebook groups, etc).
What is the best CPA course for working professionals?
One that has an audio course to maximize study time while commuting.
This leaves NINJA, Surgent, and UWorld.
Becker does not have an audio course.
How do I choose the right CPA course for me?
Budget, Learning Style, and Peer Review. What can you afford? What clicks best for your learning style? What do others say about the course?
How much is the Becker CPA Review course?
With discounts, the Becker CPA Review Pro Course is usually around $2,500, which is typically $700 more than the UWorld Roger Elite Course and $1,000 more than the Surgent Ultimate Pass.
What is the Best India CPA Review Course for international students?
Each person is different, but if English is your Second Language (ESL), free trials are important to ensure that you can understand the lecturer(s).
Are Live CPA Review classes still offered?
Becker and NINJA host live classes online.
Can I get College Credit for my CPA Review Course?
Possibly. Some MAcc programs have online India CPA Review Courses integrated into their program. If you’re looking into a Master of Accounting program, it might not hurt to email the India CPA Review Course you’re looking at and ask them if they have any partnerships with colleges or universities where you can accomplish this very thing. Then, see if that school has an online program.
Where do I find the Coupon Codes for the Best Deal?
To counter the affiliate farms advertising that they have the “best CPA Review coupon codes [you don’t BELIEVE how much money you’ll save!!! MUST SEE!!! Click our Link!!!!], Courses now put the coupon code directly on their sites to avoid paying unwarranted affiliate commissions. Go directly to the Becker, Surgent, Wiley, UWorld, and NINJA course websites for the best deal.
Which CPA Test Banks Have Adaptive Learning in India?
Adaptive Learning in a CPA test bank was a major feature a few years ago. Today, most courses have some form of adaptive technology. You can still pass the CPA Exam without it (as people have done for decades), but you could make a case that you’re at a disadvantage vs. other CPA candidates using it. Adaptive Learning allows the test bank to ‘feed’ you more questions based on your weak areas. Your strong areas are still tested but less frequently. Different courses have different names for them – and each company uses its own adaptive algorithm, so they aren’t the same.
Becker, Surgent, UWorld, and NINJA CPA Test Banks all have Adaptive Learning.
Can I get College Credit for my CPA Review Course?
Some MAcc programs have CPA Prep courses integrated into their program. If you’re looking into a Master of Accounting program, it might not hurt to email the India CPA Review Course you’re looking at and ask them if they have any partnerships with colleges or universities where you can accomplish this very thing. Then, see if that school has an online program.
Which India CPA Review Course has the Best Audio?
Test drive the audio courses for NINJA, Surgent, and UWorld Roger. Go for a drive and see which one you can track with while you’re driving and not focusing on the audio.
When do 2024 India CPA Review Courses come out?
2024 India CPA Review Courses will come out in late summer or early fall 2023 to prepare CPA candidates for the 2024 CPA Exam.
What India CPA Review Courses have AICPA released exam questions?
Becker, NINJA, Surgent, and UWorld all use AICPA-released CPA Exam questions.
What India CPA Review Courses offer a 4-hour practice CPA Exam?
All of the courses listed on this page have practice exams – and in most cases, unlimited practice CPA Exams.
Is Buying Used CPA Prep Courses a Bad Idea in India?
Nowadays, many things are digital, and reselling a course – especially a digital version of a course with logins- violates the terms of use for a course. Not only is it unethical (to violate the terms of use) as an aspiring CPA (oh, the irony), but you also run a significant risk of buying someone else’s course access only to have it shut off by the course. If the “customer” lives in California and logged in 435 times from LA, and you live in New York and start logging in, good luck explaining that. Don’t start cutting ethical corners to save a buck. Not a good start to your CPA career.
Does the Big 4 offer discounted CPA Prep courses in India?
Big 4 firms and larger regional firms have relationships with the various courses and, in many instances, offer the course for free. The courses set up bulk pricing with the firms (usually far below retail), and then new hires pick from the list of “approved” courses, and the course gets paid whatever the contracted amount is. If the employee leaves within X amount of time, they have to pay the firm back for the course. If the firm employee needs a second course or a CPA study supplement like NINJA, it’s usually on the employee’s dime.
Be sure to ask your HR department about special pricing for Becker, Surgent, Wiley, or UWorld.
Do Courses Have Former Student Discounts?
Courses are always happy to get their former customers back vs them going to a competitor, which is why most courses have attractive former student discounts. Some courses even offer discounts to former students of other courses and are happy to convert them as well.
Do CPA Exam Review Courses offer Financing in India?
Yes – most courses offer financing. Double-check the fine print. Some of those payment plans have high interest rates.
Should I hire a CPA tutor in India?
No. NINJA CPA hosts four CPA Exam tutoring sessions weekly, Becker CPA offers live tutoring services.
Should I be concerned about India CPA Review Course Return & Refund Policies?
Most CPA Review Return Policies are not friendly.
Why are CPA Free Trials so important?
Because it’s hard to return a course that you don’t like.
Some even have a stiff monetary penalty for returning their courses.
Choose wisely.
India CPA Review Course Websites
Becker Site:
UWorld Roger Site:
Wiley Site:
Surgent Site: